Solar panels used to be rare and only visible on either large industrial sites or houses that belonged to the extravagant rich because of the high cost of the elaborate tools for thin-film thickness and other parameters that are necessary to maintain during solar cells production. These days, more and more people are able to afford to install solar panels on their homes; they recognize the undeniable benefits of renewable energy.
Most support solar energy for its sustainability and good-for-nature qualities. Many utility companies, however, see it as a loss; when many energy consumers go off the grid, the utility companies are not receiving necessary funds to support their industry and its maintenance. Lacking the funds, our utility companies may start raising rates, and people with low income, who couldn’t afford solar panels in the first place, will end up paying more for their utility bills to support the aging infrastructure.
Even with an abundance of solar panels, we can�t go off consuming traditional energy completely. There�re days when the panels won�t generate enough energy, and people will need extra energy that comes from their utility companies. At this point, it�s clear that an increase in solar panels is a step in the right direction, but it may come with a price, and hopefully, it�s not going to be burden on the shoulders of low-income people.