If you don’t have a good credit history or you don’t have any credit at all, you might be weighing your options to determine whether a no-credit-check loan is a good option. Like with everything, there are pros and cons to these loans. That’s why you should take these things into consideration before you start applying for no-credit-check loans.
Consider Your Immediate Financial Needs
If you want to apply for a no-credit-check personal loan, you probably have an immediate need for cash. But how important is the need? For example, if you need money to feed your family or repair your car so you can drive to and from work, it might be a good option to apply for the loan. However, if you need money because you found a good deal on a brand new big-screen TV, you should probably consider waiting and saving the money you need instead.
When you need cash to cover necessities and you don’t have a good credit history, applying for a no-credit personal loan might be your only option — and that’s okay. As long as you’re borrowing the money for something that’s an absolute need and you review the loan fees and interest rate fully before you agree to the terms.
Do You Have Any Other Options?
Before applying for a loan that doesn’t require a credit check, determine if you have any other options available. For example, many credit unions offer small-dollar loans or starter loans designed to help people who need quick cash or want to build credit. Because federal credit unions are capped at an 18% interest rate, you’ll end up paying back less money in the long run. Also, you won’t have to worry about making a sky-high monthly payment.
Some credit unions also offer alternative payday loans for people who need just enough money to get them through until they are paid again. And there are many online lenders that have loan options available for people with less-than-perfect credit.
Consider Your Monthly Budget
No-credit-check personal loans often come with high monthly payment attached to them, so it’s important to review your monthly budget to make sure you can afford the loan. Sometimes people take on short-term personal loans because they need the cash, but obtaining the loan puts them in a cycle paying the loan off and then reapplying. That can be a dangerous cycle if you aren’t careful. Ideally, before you apply for a no-credit-check loan, you should be able to afford to pay back the total cost of the loan, plus the interest and fees, and make your monthly payment on time — every month. If that’s not something that’s feasible, you might want to look into other ways to get cash as quickly as possible.
Do You Trust the Lender?
You shouldn’t apply for the first no-credit-check personal loan you find online because typically when you’re approved for the loan, you’re required to provide the lender with your bank account information so they can automatically debit your payments. Because of this, it’s important to make sure you’re applying for a loan through a trusted lender. If you aren’t familiar with the lender you’ve found, you should take the time to read online reviews and research the company’s history before applying.
No-credit-check loans have gotten a bad reputation, but it’s important to remember, they do serve a need. While they should be used as a last resort, they are a good option for anyone who needs immediate cash for necessities, as long as they can afford to pay the loan off according to the terms.