While we put great hope in technology to save our future, it takes its toll on the environment as well. We are not just talking about harmful emissions and waste during any technological production but also all this junk that pile up on our land after one device outperforms another. The pile grows everyday with the growth of our technology, which results into tons of obsolete useless garbage of outdated electronics just sitting on our land. Most of the progressive electronic devices are small and come in place of bulky old machinery.
Luckily, the world is full of clever ideas that put old and bulky electronics to use. As an example, after the phone technology revolution and switch to Voice Over Internet phones, telecommunication cabinets have gotten much smaller which led to hundreds of older cabinets sitting unused. The masterminds at Genesis Green have found a perfect solution on how to use the abandoned cabinets and save the earth from junk. They created OSS – Onsite Solar Systems.
The basic idea behind OSS is to use old telecommunication cabinets as bases for solar panels. This idea has proven to be not only financially beneficial but much more flexible compared to rooftop mounted solar panels. In other words, we can rely upon technology to save the earth since new instruments for thin-film measurement needed in solar cells production make solar panels more affordable; but at the same time we must not forget about our own input, and search for ways to lessen the harmful effects of technological progress.