Many companies employ at least one person responsible for maintaining a blog about their company. If you work for a company that does not have a blog yet, this might be a great opportunity for you. If you like blogging, and if you would like to dedicate a few minutes per day to blogging about your company, here is what you can do:
� Approach your boss and tell him how popular blogging is and how the company you work for can benefit from maintaining a blog. Blogging is getting more and more popular each day and that is because blogs are a very convenient platform. They allow visitors to quickly check whether any new content got published and more and more people are getting used to using blogs.
� Work out the details before you approach your boss. Study the list of topics you could write about or prepare an example of a blog post you would be willing to publish. A well-written post is going to convince your boss that maintaining a blog might be a good idea for your company.
� Establish contact with your marketing department to discuss with them how the blog can contribute to the company. Blogs can be a powerful marketing tool, so discussing various issues with your marketing department seems like a good decision.
I believe that more and more companies are going to set up their blogs. It is true that some of them might abandon it at some point of time; however, the overall number of business blogs is going to grow.