When I lived in Malta a few years ago, I noticed how passionate the Maltese are about football. To my American readers, I would like to say that in Europe football means what soccer means in the US. But let me go back to talking about my experiences from Malta where I lived for several years, the time I cherish until this very day.
I will never forget the summer 2010. It was a very hot summer (like any other summer in Malta) with heat pouring down from the sky. I believe it was a month of June or July, and football championship fever was everywhere. It seems that the only thing everybody talked about were the football matches. I was walking down the streets of Bugibba in the evening where from every pub and bar I could hear the sound of a football match. People where cheering while watching matches on big screens and sipping ice-cold beer on this hot summer day. The atmosphere was relaxed and everybody was so happy.
Even though more important football events take place only once a few years, football players play matches in Europe almost every single day. Live scores definitely reflect this. If you are interested in them, for football live scores click here and enjoy what you find there.