Do you feel like you could benefit from some advice? Do you need some tips on blogging? Here are some tips that might be useful:
1. At the end of each post try to encourage your readers to leave feedback by asking them a question, or even a few short questions that they will be able to answer in their comments. This only makes sense if you enabled comments and are willing to read what your visitors have to say.
2. To make your posts more attractive, use pictures, graphs, and other visual forms of communication. One picture can mean more than even a thousand words. However, make sure that you do not use too many pictures, because you want your page to load in a reasonable time. Not everyone uses broadband connections yet, so such users will appreciate websites that load fast.
3. Make sure your website does not have a lot of downtime. It simply looks unprofessional and your readers may notice that. If possible, choose web hosting that has a guarantee of 99% up-time.
4. Always try to chose catchy titles for your articles that will attract the attention of your readers. You can see for yourself what I mean by catchy titles by looking at the top submissions at bookmarking sites like Digg.
5. Focus on writing �how to� type of articles. People love them, and they are always willing to read more of those in hope of learning something new. Make sure it is something related to the topic of your blog, and something that is actually interesting and useful. You can always ask your family and friends if you need someones opinion.