Online banking is convenient and can be very useful, so I am sure that it will be more and more popular. But the question that people are asking is whether it is really safe? While I appreciate that banks are taking security measures such as adding secret questions and having strong SSL encryptions, there are some weaknesses that hackers may take advantage of. One of the best ways for users to protect themselves is to use proper logins and passwords. For example, your email or social security number should not be a login name, because the password would be easy to guess. The same rule applies to passwords. Do not use any names, dates of birth, or any other information of this type. There is no way to completely protect yourself from hackers, however, you can at least reduce the risk significantly. Having said that, there is always a risk that some hacker will find a way to access your bank account. That is why a strong password should only be the first line of defense, and you should make sure that your bank also offers some additional protection. You should also be aware of the fact that there are many keyloggers on the Internet. Keylogger is a malicious software that is able to record any key strokes a computer user inputs.