It seems that many blogs are actively promoting their blog, but often they make a mistake of promoting their blog to their readers only. Keeping current readers interested in your site is important, but without new visitors arriving, such websites will eventually fail. What they should be doing is focus on marketing their blog to potential readers, instead of visitors who are already readers and subscribers. This does not mean that you cannot use various methods of promotion targeted at your current reader. However, if your goal is to attract new visitors, then you have to market your blog in places from where your regular visitors usually do not come from. Writing a guest post on another blog, getting involved with social media sites, or commenting on other blogs are great ways to acquire new visitors. Try to be an active marketer and you should be able to acquire many readers if you put some work into it. Generally, it is a good idea to have your marketing endeavors directed at places where there are people who could be interested in your blog. You want to market your blog to people who are interested in the niche your blog is in, so make sure that you visit appropriate websites.