By keeping your credit report details up to date, you can improve your chances of getting approved for loans. You can also see suspicious activity more easily. Correcting credit report errors is simple but does involve a few steps.
First, you must identify which credit bureau is reporting the false information. In the United States, each credit report comes from Experian, Equifax or TransUnion. Your details may be incorrect in just one of these agencies’ records or in all three.
Second, determine the type of information that needs changed. If your name and address are wrong, you must check with each of your creditors first. They are reporting the misinformation to the credit bureau. After your creditor’s records have been updated, your new details will be passed along to the credit reporting agency. If any other details in your credit report are wrong, you must file a dispute with the credit bureau.
Third, follow the instructions for submitting a dispute. All three agencies provide web forms so you can challenge errors online. You will need to give details about what item you are disputing and why. You should also state whether you want the details deleted or corrected.
Finally, wait for the results of the investigation. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, credit bureaus have 30 days to respond to your dispute filing. If a change is necessary, you have the right to a revised copy of your credit report. You can also ask that revised copies be sent to anyone who has requested your credit history within the previous six months.
Finally, wait for the results of the investigation. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, credit bureaus have 30 days to respond to your dispute filing. If a change is necessary, you have the right to a revised copy of your credit report. You can also ask that revised copies be sent to anyone who has requested your credit history within the previous six months.