You�ve just been through your driving lessons and your driver�s licence is now in sight. However, there is still one formality you have to go through – your practical driving test.
Driving tests are usually very stressful for many new drivers since failure can significantly prolong the time it will take to get your driving licence. In this article, we�re going to give you some of the mistakes you should avoid to ace your driving test.
Changing Lanes Improperly
Most new drivers change lanes improperly. During your driving test, take the time to ensure that the road is clear before changing lanes. The first thing you should do turn on your signal indicating to other motorists that you intend to change lanes.
Be sure to look at your side mirrors and your rear view mirror to ensure that the lane you want to change to is clear. Also, throw a quick glance to the front to see if there isn�t any incoming traffic. If the coast is clear, you can execute your lane change.
You should also watch for blind spots. To do so, quickly turn your head at a 60-degree angle to see if there isn’t a car or motorcycle out of your rear view mirrors� line of sight. Many new drivers fail their road test because of changing lanes too quickly without taking necessary precautions, so make sure you know the proper procedure and practice it as much as you can.
Poor Handling of Steering
However comfortable you might feel behind the wheel, never ever drive with only one hand on the steering wheel during the driving test. Always ensure that you are holding the steering wheel with both hands unless you are changing gear.
When making a turn, be sure to use hand-over-hand manoeuvres. If you fail to do so, this might cost you a few points. Also, make sure to control spillage by releasing the wheel after making the turn.
Avoid any Distractions
Many new drivers forget to keep their cell phones away and may be tempted to pick their phones during the driving test. This is the surest way to fail the test. You will have plenty of time to do all you want after the test. Another thing you should not do is fidget with the car stereo or be distracted by anything on the road.
You should remember that your driving test is the ultimate test to determine whether you are fit to be allowed on the road. Make sure that you know everything about road signals before your test, as it is one of the most important areas where you will be tested. You can always visit websites such as if you want to take some practice driving theory tests.
If you follow the tips in this article and steer clear of these basic mistakes, you should increase your chances of acing your driving test tenfold. Just remember to check blind spots when making turns, learn how to properly handle your steering, and avoid distractions at all costs.