Would I recommend computer games such as little samuri to anyone including boys? The answer to this question is without any doubt definitely yes. People from all walks of life including boys can enjoy playing such games at home without fear that something bad is going to happen to them. This is because games for boys are designed in such a way to be entertaining and fun to play.
It does not even matter how old you are as long as you have the willingness to play such games. You don’t even have to be a boy to be able to enjoy more boys games because your attitude matters here a lot. All you need to do is to have a computer, an Internet connection and you are ready to start your gaming adventures. Your computer does not even have to be very good as most games that I know can run even on outdated computers such as computers that were bought many years ago. You will see how true it is especially when you look at websites that offer a selection of free flash games that are so easy to get into. You definitely do not need a very good computer in order to be able to play all the games that are presented on such websites simply because such games don’t require you to have some sort of super computer. I am sure that all sorts of computers can run such games without any problems.
I absolutely can’t wait to play some free games later today. There are literally hundreds of games that I would be willing to try out soon. One problem is that I simply don’t have enough time to be able to play all of them due to the high number of such games on the Internet.