Business and Blogging

It seems that many business owners quit blogging. Are you interested what the reasons are? Are we really that different from business bloggers? We also try to �sell a product�, but in our case it is our blog itself. Here are the reasons why many business people give up on blogging:

1. They are not happy with the amount of comments left by visitors.
2. According to them, they do not have enough subscribers.
3. They do not observe an increase in traffic coming to their main website.
4. They find it difficult to come up with fresh new content for the blog every day or week. Blogs that are not being updated often might not serve their purpose.
5. They cannot work out how to promote products and services via their blog. It is not that easy to promote different products from various industries on a blog.

Maintaining a blog costs money. That is why if there are going to be negligible benefits, then it is a wise choice for a business to delete such a blog. Regular bloggers are in a different position, as they are not oriented on increasing their income. They are rather focused on having influence over other people and interacting with users all over the world. That is why there are some blogs that have been out for years, and they are still performing very well.

Get the High Quality Industrial Training You Need for a New Career

If you feel that you are being underused in your current position, take heart. There is plenty of time for you to move on to an exciting new career. You can move to a new job that gives you excellent pay and benefits. All you need to do is get the training for this new position. Luckily, this training is easier than ever to receive. If you are interested to move up to a new highly paid industrial position, there are plenty of centers where you can train for the job that will satisfy your personal and financial needs. Read on for more details. Now is the time for you to learn more.

A Whole New Level of High Quality Industrial Training is Available

You should be aware that a whole new level of state of the art industrial training is now available for people who are interested in taking these highly paid positions. You no longer have to learn on the job in dangerous or unsanitary conditions. You don’t have to sit in a boring classroom memorizing facts and figures from abstruse and frequently obsolete technical manuals. Today’s industrial training classes are designed to give you up to date training in a casual and comfortable environment. You can easily pass the course and graduate to a job you will be proud to be employed in.

Where Can You Go to Get the Industrial Training You Require?

Schools like ARC provide logistics courses in all of the positions that a student might be interested in, such as business, retail, manufacturing, warehousing, logistics and community services. You can take the course and quickly get up to speed. These courses have been specially priced in order to be easily within the budget of the average student who is looking to improve their position in life. ARC, for example, is a fully accredited learning institution where you can quickly become fully qualified to seek the position that you desire. It’s a first class learning facility.

Why is Industrial Training Becoming So Important Around the World?

If you are wondering why the new breed of industrial training schools is so crucial, consider this. More and more students are traveling throughout the world to find the schools that offer them the best possible training for the jobs they are looking to perform. This means that you have the advantage of being able to train in your native country for the position you desire, after which you have your choice of staying here or seeking employment in another area of the world. Wherever you go, your training will follow you.

The Sooner You Get Qualified, the Sooner You Can Find a New Job

It all comes down to being able to use the education you have received to find a job that offers excellent working conditions, pay, and benefit. This is the ultimate goal of any student that attends an industrial training facility. ARC has been specially designed to offer students the highest possible quality of training so that they can quickly graduate from the school and proceed directly to the workplace. For more info concerning ARC and what they can do on your behalf, feel free to contact them at their official site on the web.

Represent Your Business

Organizing your work space might be one of the best things you can do for your business. If there is a chance that somebody might drop by and pay you an unannounced visit, you need to be prepared for any unexpected visitors. You need to learn to represent your business with style. Many things can add to the style of your business. Organizing your work space is one thing, but having a few business cards prepared for your visitors is another things. If you plan to have some business cards prepared in advance, make sure that they are designed in such a way that they are likely to attract the attention of your customers.

4 Ways to improve the standard of your customer service

The best way to ensure that you receive repeat business is by maintaining a high level of customer service. Letting the standard of your customer service slip is a sure way to send your clients into the open arms of your competitors. When it comes to customer service, you should be aiming much higher than satisfactory. It is vital that you listen to all of your feedback and make sure that you adapt accordingly. If you receive a customer complaint, changes should be made immediately. You also need to compare your level of service to other companies that are operating in the same area of industry as you. If you are offering similar services or selling similar products, the way that you treat your customers could be the deciding factor in terms of who gets the most business. Make sure that the customer is the priority in every aspect of your business, this level of dedication will pay off in the long run. Why wait? Below are four ways for you to improve the standard of your customer service.


A fantastic way to set yourself apart as a company that values a high level of customer service is by winning awards dedicated to this area. Don�t just wait for awards to be given to you, make sure that you apply for as many awards as possible. Start small and work your way up. Even a local award will help to draw in customers. If you haven�t yet managed to ensure that all of your staff are on the same page, why not place the focus on a particularly commendable employee? Nominate them for an award and maybe even promote them to a position where they are responsible for encouraging others to match their levels of enthusiasm. You could also introduce an employee of the month scheme. This way, even if you don�t win external awards, you can still impress your customers by introducing them to your award winning employees. If you are struggling to secure a deal or you�re dealing with a customer that is particularly hard to please, being able to reassure them, by handing them over to the employee of the month, will be a handy card to have up your sleeve. However, you definitely shouldn�t give up on external awards. Winning a high profile award will be fantastic for your business�s brand. Make sure to capitalize on the free publicity by arranging as many interviews as possible.

Improve your customer feedback

It is important to establish a strong relationship between you and your customers. You need to make sure that they feel they are being listened to. If not, they may become disgruntled and are unlikely to feel any loyalty to your business. That is why it is so important to respond to all of your customer feedback. Try not to rely on automated responses. Even a simple detail, like calling somebody by their name, can help to avoid making a situation worse. Make sure that you set yourself, and your staff, a time limit in which they have to respond to queries. Ideally, you want to sort out any problems as soon as possible.

Even if your customers are entirely satisfied, it is still worth receiving their feedback. Try to be as interactive as possible when it comes to gathering their opinions. Why not set up a live chat where your clients can talk to specially trained members of staff directly? Advise your employees to take as many names and contact details as possible. This way, if you decide to act on a customer�s advice, you can send them a note of thanks. By using the personal touch, you will forge strong connections of loyalty. Often, it is the little details that are remembered. If you go above and beyond, you might even find that your customers begin to recommend you to their friends and family. Invest in your customer feedback now, and your business will feel the rewards.

Offer a high level of service

Your customers will also pay attention to the service you provide and how well it is executed. One way of speeding up your processes and ensuring accuracy is by relying on technology. If your business operates online, you may already use an eCommerce platform to manage your operation. However, in order to achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction, you will need to consider how you can make the most out of this software. It is suggested that one in four businesses use Magento 2. If you are one of these businesses, Magento 2 commerce integration with NetSuite ERP, could help to streamline your operation. By integrating the two elements, you will be able to achieve timely order fulfilment, accurate product availability, real-time statuses on orders, and efficient cancellations and refunds. Instead of having to wait for data to be entered manually, your integrated system will register any actions automatically. This will ensure that your customers receive the fastest possible service. It will also help to remove the possibility of human error. This way, you won�t have to worry about costly mistakes that could upset your clients and disrupt their orders. Integrating your system will also save on the hours your workers would have needed to manually input data. These hours can be dedicated to improved customer service.

Staff training

By freeing up a number of hours for your staff, you can give them the opportunity to learn everything they need to know about customer service. Invest in their training as much as possible, as this will be hugely beneficial to your company�s success. Organize outside speakers to come into your business and give talks on customer service techniques. If you are short on finances, you could sign up for online webinars or TedTalks. You could also find lots of useful resources online, and there are even YouTube videos created by customer service experts. Whatever you do, it is important that you let your workers know just how much you value a high level of customer service. If they can see it really matters to you, they will know that impressing their customers will help them to succeed at your business. Hopefully, they will also be motivated by your enthusiasm. It can be extremely unrewarding to work for a company that doesn�t value its customers and has a bad reputation. Conversely, it can be very exciting to be employed by a company that is well respected and has established a strong ethical brand. A business that hopes to achieve longevity will always invest in its staff training.

Be My Guest

This time I would like to discuss guest bloggers and content stealing. A well-written guest post might be considered valuable content according to readers. This is especially true if the topic of the post relates closely to the main topic of the blog. So in this case, I would like to discuss a situation where a guest blogger copies posts written by somebody else, and claims that he wrote them. Not only if somebody finds out about this, all of his guest posts might be removed from different blogs, but it would also be a huge blow to the reputation of the blogger himself.
Reading other bloggers guest posts and writing similar ones is not content stealing in my opinion. However, if one clearly copies and pastes another person�s posts, then this is definitely content stealing. He should worry about somebody finding out about this. It might be a good idea to list all resources that you use to write a post. Did you get inspired after reading a newspaper article? Feel free to indicate that in your post. This way everyone will know that you write your own articles and your articles are also going to look more professional. After all, all of the dissertations being written in universities often indicate various sources where that particular information.

Refurbishing an Office

All offices and businesses require some refurbishing from time to time. If you are a small business owner, you either have a choice of hiring somebody for the job, or doing everything yourself if you feel like you are up to the task. If the second option suits you most, there are several tips I would like to offer here to avoid #DIYDisasters, after which you will be better of contacting immediately. Here they are and these are only some of them as DIY safety is a very broad topic and I believe that I won’t have time nor space to cover everything in this post. Instead, I will focus on just a few important ones that should be taken into account first:

1. You are what you wear during a DIY project. Make sure to wear appropriate clothing during a project to protect your eyes, mouth, ears, and all other important body parts from dust, splinters, etc.
2. Make sure that you have the right tools to refurbish your office. Don’t try to improvise, don’t modify any tools, and finally don’t use the tools the way they weren’t meant to be used.
3. Make sure that you switch all the power off prior to working with fuses, appliances, and wiring. In any doubt, make sure that you hire a qualified electrician for that part of the job as making even the slightest mistakes can turn to be deadly.

4. Always remember to unplug any tools that are not in use. Not only will it save you electricity, but nobody else will have a chance to mess with them.
5.Be very careful with ladders. Make sure that they are always stable. Ideally, have someone hold one for you while you climb it.
6. Make sure that you ventilate your office or other business premises on a regular basis while conducting your works. There is a lot of dust in the air while you work, so making sure that you get rid of the particles of pain and other substances should be your top priority.

As you can see, the list of tips goes on and on. You might also use common sense while deciding what to do and what to avoid. Also, the more experience you have while conducting your DIY the better you will be at ensuring that you have a smooth and safe journey.

Mobile Internet Access

There were times when you could only access the Internet at Universities. Later, the Internet became popular throughout the world, but these days the trend seems to indicate that the Internet is going to be more and more accessible from mobile devices. Currently, there are approximately 1 billion wireless device subscriptions, but analysts predict that this number will reach 3.5 billion in 2011. I believe that this shows that people really appreciate the possibility of accessing the Internet anytime they want, and they are willing to pay for such a service. Since the Internet is becoming more useful every day, I would not be amazed if indeed 3.5 billion people will have wireless Internet access. In my opinion, the more people have access to the Internet, the better it is for the world.

How your online presence could be failing your business

In this day and age, the way we do business is changing rapidly. Now all you need is a computer and a basic webpage to get your business or venture up and running, rather than the complex and lengthy procedures that more established ventures have gone through over the past few decades. That said, using the internet, and using it well are two very different factors. Sure, we all think we can schedule a few tweets, or post a video on a friend�s Facebook page, but failing to use your online presence successfully or wisely in the business world could spell quite literal social suicide.

As businesses look to make that difficult shift from more traditional models to creating an established online presence, those not in the now can soon get left behind. We are all led to believe that the future is digital, and this is even reflected in our increased use of smartphones, laptops and a whole variety of gadgets to make our daily lives easier. Yet, in the business world, owning those devices and using them to have a significant effect on your business plan, and ultimately your revenue, are two very different concepts. So if you are new to the digital era, or think you know it all, check out the below tips to see if your online presence is working for your business � and if not, why is it failing?

A lack of consistency

No matter how big or small the size of your company, consistency is key when it comes to improving your online presence. Firstly, look to use a logo generator to help you position your company and logo design. Once you have decided on your brand architecture and have rolled out your logo across any social channels that you use, you should also ensure that your tone of voice and color schemes are consistent too. A lack of attention to detail and poor maintenance of your brand will make you look amateur and inexperienced compared to other businesses in your field, so don�t let things slip. If you are thinking of setting up a website for your company, then it�s crucial that all these areas marry up � as these are why customers recognize and respect you. Remember that the online world is even trickier to anticipate than the physical, so don�t give your competitors any potential loopholes that could be used against you. Taking the time to establish who you are and what you represent as a business online is an essential first step before you can explore other outlets, such as content creation and social post timings.

Sporadic updates

Remember that the online world never sleeps. In fact, as no one physically owns the internet, you are free to conduct business 24 hours a day, seven days a week if you so wish � but that would be exhausting to say the very least. Remember that using effective, well-written content will set you apart in the digital space. Unlike writing marketing materials or brochures, writing for the web is a different ball game, so your approach needs to change accordingly. Factors such as your sentence structure, the tone of your content and the length of the words that you use will all have an impact on any visitor to your website or social pages. You could consider running an online readability check to review your scores against rival businesses in your industry � and see what they do well, if you are lagging behind.

Now that your content is up to date, be sure to keep your fledgling online community happy, as this will be crucial for your success. Sporadic posts and a failure to respond to posts or comments will irritate customers, plus it looks like you don�t care about clients. Nobody likes to be left in the lurch, and it�s the same in the digital world. Take time on a daily basis to check and tweets or comments and be sure to tailor each response accordingly. Remember too, that you will want to schedule your posts using a social media management tool, so that people all around the globe are kept up to date with what�s happening in your world, no matter the time of day or night.

If you aren�t doing any of the above, then now�s the time to give your social media strategy a serious overhaul. So don�t be a failure, make sure that you are keeping an eye on your updates and content on a daily basis.

Analyse and review

You�ve improved your social media presence, your website has now gone live, and that�s all there is to it, right? How very wrong you are. In fact, your work is now only just beginning, and this is the point that the majority of businesses get complacent and fail. In order to succeed you will need to take stock of how you are performing online and review your progress. Setting clear timings and goals, such as a quarterly review and half-year website refresh are a good place to start, as you will need to check out your digital presence with a fresh pair of eyes. If there are areas of your website that need work, then be sure to make this a top priority for you and your business, in particular, if these are the areas that are of most interest to your customers. Don�t worry about being ruthless either, if your site isn�t delivering then you will need to make some serious changes before you can use results. Do make good use of Google Analytics to track your performance over time, and check that your visitors are increasing, rather than dropping drastically. Reviews are a key part of digital upkeep; so don�t scrimp when it comes to this important stage.

Posts scheduled, website reviewed and branding on point? Congratulations, you are well on your way to improving your online presence, those hours of hard work were most definitely worth it!


If you are thinking about starting an online business, then there are some things that you should keep in mind. One thing that is important is that you should be aware of your competitors. It might sound complicated, but it is actually not so bad. All you have to do is to do a Google search for various keywords that you are competing for. Such a search will reveal many of your competitors. What you should do next is scour their websites to gain as much information as possible. Compare the prices to see whether you can offer lower prices. Take a look at the website design to see whether your site design is as appealing.